Demand Brazil to Stop Cosmetics Testing on Animals

Every year countless animals are burned, poisoned, blinded and killed in the process of cosmetic testing. What makes matters is worse is that technology already exists that can replace this horrific practice. Several countries, including the European Union, have ordered a ban on cosmetic testing and Brazil should do the same.

Cruelty Free International recently convinced the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo to impose a ban on the outdated and inhumane practice of cosmetic testing on animals. This is an important victory in the fight to end cosmetic testing as Sao Paulo is where the majority of Brazilian cosmetics companies are located. While it is great that Sao Paulo has taken a stand against animal cruelty, a nationwide ban on cosmetic testing would solidify Brazil as a world leader in compassion for animals.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, “Terrified mice, rabbits, rats, and guinea pigs have substances forced down their throat, dripped into their eyes, or smeared onto their skin before they are killed.” This unimaginable brutality is inflicted in order to test shampoo, tooth paste, mascara and other cosmetics that many people, who are unaware of the torture these animals endure, bring into their homes.

There is cross-party support for a ban on cosmetic testing in Brazil, so we must encourage Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff to do everything in her power to see that legislation passes and the ban is enforced.

Dear President Dilma Roosseff,

I was pleased to learn that Sao Paulo imposed a ban on the outdated and inhumane practice of cosmetic testing on animals. This is an important victory against animal cruelty, but a nationwide ban on cosmetic testing would solidify Brazil as a world leader in compassion for animals.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, “Terrified mice, rabbits, rats, and guinea pigs have substances forced down their throat, dripped into their eyes, or smeared onto their skin before they are killed.” I am asking you to do everything in your power to pass legislation that would ban cosmetic testing on animals in Brazil and save the lives of countless animals.

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