I got a phone call sayin on my Bishon poodle was denied they haven't even seen her she's so cute and supportive 📜 Petition to Allow Emotional Support Animals at Michigan City High School 🐾

    We, the students, parents, and community members of Michigan City High School, firmly believe in the importance of emotional support animals (ESAs) in promoting mental well-being. We respectfully request a reconsideration of the school's policy to allow ESA dogs on campus.

    🐶 ESAs have proven to be valuable companions, providing comfort, reducing anxiety, and fostering emotional stability for individuals in need. By permitting ESA dogs at Michigan City High School, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for students facing mental health challenges.

    📚 Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of ESAs on academic performance and overall well-being. By accommodating ESAs, the school can enhance the educational experience and cultivate a compassionate community.

    🖊️ We kindly urge the school administration to review the current policy and recognize the significant role ESAs can play in supporting students' mental health. By signing this petition, we unite in advocating for a change that will positively impact the lives of many.

    ✍️ We invite you to sign and share this petition to help us make a difference. Together, let us foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for all students at Michigan City High School.

    Thank you for your unwavering support! 🐾

    Update #19 months ago
    This is going straight to the school once I meet my goal of everyone getting sign this protection I'm so sick of being taken advantage of I want people to advocate for me I want my voice heard louder than ever
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