Help GREGAMORTIS, get Notice to be an extra on the upcoming filming of Halloween Sequel

Not only was GregaMortis the 1st fan to show Jaime Lee Curtis face & character being tattoo on his arm. Which she shared on the Jay Leno show.

He's also the podcaster & creator of LOTC, where he consistently & honorably mentions his Love for the Halloween movies. Spreading the word & keeping horror alive.

Greg also overcame his fear of flying by forfilling an overdue California trip last year to visit all the locations of the Halloween filming. As well as finding Jaime Lee Curtis's star on the walk of fame in hollywood.

Another bonus, Greg also resides in Wilmington, where they are locating to start shooting the sequel in late August/early september.

We as Friends, Family, Land of the Creeps Listeners, WANT to see & make happen one of his dreams to come true. That being an extra on the Halloween sequel film!!

We ALL, Want to be involved in getting a petition to send/show to the Director, BlumHouse, & anyone involved in getting GregaMortis in as an extra in this movie..

Please SIGN this Petition, IF you agree & would love to see GregaMortis added to one of the greatest horror movies ever!!

Thank you 4 your support!!

So please Sign n Share. Only takes a minute, for a memory of a lifetime :)

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