End 'Live Export'

The Australian 'live export' industry is inherently cruel, inhumane and immoral.

It is also largely indifferent to the intense suffering of thousands of Australian sheep and cattle that are exported annually to Indonesia and the Middle East.

Most importing countries do not have the appropriate laws in place to ensure the protection and humane treatment of Australian 'farm animals'.

Please add your name to this petition and tell Prime Minister Julia Gillard that the Australian public will no longer condone this callous industry practice - thank you!
We, the undersigned, do not condone the 'live export' industry and its shocking treatment of Australian sheep and cattle in Indonesia and the Middle East.

Most importing countries do not have the appropriate laws in place to ensure the protection and humane treatment of Australian 'farm animals'. Therefore, we call for an immediate end to live export - thank you for taking the time to read this petition!
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