Support the Bike Corral on Franklin Avenue!

  • by: Little Zelda
  • recipient: Community Board 8 in Brooklyn, NY

Show your support for the bike corral on Franklin Avenue between Park Place and Sterling Place by signing this, and include your address to show that Crown Heights neighbors support it!

Recently, NYC's Department of Transportation installed a bike corral with parking for eight bicycles on the street, which took up one car parking space.

The corral helps support the merchant community up and down Franklin by providing 8 times the parking and beautifies the avenue with two big planters with seasonal plants
maintained by the volunteer maintenance partner, Little Zelda (a coffee shop located at 728 Franklin Avenue). The corral also means that bikes no longer have to clutter the sidewalk, chained to street trees and parking signs, as frequently.

In the face of some emerging opposition from car drivers who demand the single parking space back, please show your support for a cleaner, greener Franklin Avenue with options for people who drive bikes as well as those who drive cars.

The installation happened after discussion & affirmative vote at CB8's transportation committee meeting, followed by a vote of confidence for the bike corral by the full Community Board 8.

Thank you!

Dear members of CB8,

This note shows my support for the bike corral on Franklin between Park and Sterling. As when it was originally voted on, the corral provides options for neighbors and customers of businesses on and around Franklin who ride bicycles without taking up valuable sidewalk space, and beautifies the avenue with plants and concentrated bike parking, instead of having to chain a bike to a street stree or lamppost. 

Please consider all these benefits at the upcoming Community Board 8 Transportation Committee meeting on January 22, and the CB General meeting in February 2013.

Crown Heights will benefit from options for bikes!

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