Repeal the Israeli Judicial "Reform" Act.

  • by: Glenn Byrnes
  • recipient: Israeli Knesset and Supreme Court of Israel.

Whereas, on July 24, 2023. The Israeli Knesset passed a law that gives itself the power to overturn all rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court and strips it of the power to overrule all laws passed by the Knesset,

and whereas, this law will give the current ruling party the right to rule with impunity and without any checks or balances,

and whereas, this law violates the basic principles of democracy and the rule of law that are essential for a functioning society,

We call on the Israeli Knesset to immediately repeal this law and restore the power of the Supreme Court to oversee all laws passed by the Knesset. We also call on international organizations and governments to condemn this law and help pressure the Israeli government to repeal it.

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