Help Save and Conserve Philippine Marine Wildlife

%u201CThe Philippines is a smorgasbord of world-class dive sites, being the center of the coral triangle around 400 types of corals which highlight the most diverse and marine-rich waters on earth. We have 2,000 species of marine life. We are Asia%u2019s dive capital.%u201D
- Dr. Ted Esguerra
In the last few days there have been reports that poachers have been hunting in Philippine waters, collecting black coral and sea animals such as sea turtles, known locally as pawikan. Black coral (Antipartharia), which is known for its dark-colored skeleton, is listed as an endangered species by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). It is illegal to capture and kill most species of sea turtles (Chelonioidea) as they are listed as endangered species as well. However poachers and black markets all over the world prize turtle shells and will do whatever it takes to get some dough. The overkilling and over-catching must stop, and it must stop now.
With your help through your signatures, we will tell the Philippine government to take notice of what is happening to our marine wildlife.This is not an issue that will simply pass; this a battle we must fight to protect our natural patrimony for our own sake and for our children's sakes. We are not the sake of tourism and the economy, but we are fighting for our identity, history, culture, and our future with what we have been blessed with.
We, the undersigned, present to you this petition to help the Filipino people in stopping local and foreign poachers from killing our marine wildlife for the sake of our culture, history, identity and our future. The organizers of this petition would also like to help you in this cause, for they believe that cooperation and constant communication with a leader like you is important for this situation.
Thank you very much for reading the petition. We look forward to hearing from you! 
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