Justice For Skye Jordan Moorcroft Our beautiful Angel

Skye was born 11 th December 2009 and passed away 11th December 2009.
We put Skye to rest 4th February 2010.
We are now going through the solicitors and the complaint has arrived at the hospital we are waiting for a response soon although they did ask for an extension which they got a futher two weeks.I have told bit of what happened to myself and Skye this is more of the story written in a bit more details.But there is so much more to all this.Please take a few mins to read.

It seems that not many people seem to take much notice of death of babies and children and yet 2,500 babies die each year in the Uk, which is 17 babies each day. Since losing my little girl Skye Jordan Moorcroft 11th December 2009 last year as well as trying to help others come to terms with their loss with a support group I set up. I,am still hurting very much deep down yet we,ve had no offer of counselling,I accept my daughter died but what I do not except is the way we were treated. Please take five minutes to read my story.

In July 2009 last year I found I was pregnant with my baby. We were not sure what to think as we,d spoken about wanting a baby but we had issues of our own that needed sorting out first. As we were part way through sorting our lives out I found out I was pregnant so went to see my doctor,who then referred me to a midwife in my doctors surgery. A urine sample was taken from me and I found I was carrying an infection E-coli where then I was given one lot of anti-biotics and was waiting to be referred to the hospital.

Once I went to the hospital I was walking back to my car when I felt all wet down below I looked and there was blood everywhere. I got back home and phoned the midwife I had not yet met from the hospital. She was great tried get me an emergency scan and also I tried get myself a scan they said to wait until I came for my scan it was nearly 2 weeks away what should of been one of the happiest days of my life turned to only what I can describe as 'a nightmare'. I bled for the rest of my pregnancy.

When I went for my scan 2 weeks later they said there was a heammoreage on the outside of my womb and maybe I would notice it might make itself away from me or I would not notice and it would just go. Every week also I was having my urine samples checked and sent to the path lab and 9 times out of 10 it was coming back E-coli. Myself and my midwife kept ringing up my doctors surgery for an appointment. We also told the receptionist if the doctor couldn't see me to please leave a prescription for the anti-biotic which were provided for me at first this was never done, as the anti-biotics he was going to provide me were never logged in on the computer and also it was vital the infection was treated.

This continued throughout my pregnancy up until my 20 week scan. There I sat on the bed shaking knowing that something was not right. There I was told that my babies head was slightly smaller than it should of been for her gestational age and also a shadow appeared on her bowel. It was then I was told that I needed an amniocentesis. I did not want to go through with it but a nurse in her own uniform kind of shouted and I was told I,d have a phone call the following day to go in for the amniocentesis and that the same lady,dressed in her own uniform would talk me through everything it was there I felt so pressured. She became very unprofessional and began to tell me about her own daughter's problems and that she would not turn her life around and asked what had made me do so. I began to explain that I never meant to get myself that low in my life and that I am willing to fight to do something about it. I then thought when I had said this why should I have had to explain myself. When she told me about the following day,I asked why I should need the amniocentesis as at 17 weeks I had my triple test done they came back that my little girl would be fine and that there was a 1 in 7,700 chance of my little girl having down syndrome or spina bifida. It was the same day as my 20 weeks scan that I was given my triple test results. She then became nasty and said that my test results did not count anymore and it was vital I had the amniocentesis so that we knew and were prepared for the worst. I felt so weak in fact too weak to argue. As the e-coli had spread I was getting all different side effects one been that I bled throughout my pregnancy,bad back,headaches,forgetfulness and other symptoms too. I left the hospital that day I was heartbroken and so was my partner Justin.

The following day I got the phone call I was dreading to go to the hospital for the amniocentesis' went had the test done I was shaking and crying. Two and half weeks later I on Thursday 10th December around 10:00pm I felt a sudden urge to go to the toilet I got up and walked to my toilet and felt something strange I could not believe it it was my little girl Skye Jordan Moorcroft coming in the world to early. I shouted Justin who had fell asleep on the sofa and he came running into the toilet to me luckily my little boy Jordan James was with his grandparent for a long weekend. I never wanted my precious little boy to see such a traumatic and sad loss. I went into complete shock. Justin got towels and was keeping hold of Skye I was in so much shock I could not move. The paramedics came within minutes put me in a wheelchair, then asked me to stand up holding skye still between my legs and to lie on the bed. Skye was in breach position so her she was in the world apart from her little head. I felt her heart beating against my right leg all the way to the hospital.

At 10:33pm I gave birth to Skye what happened next was absolutely beyond myself and Justin. The midwife told us she did not know who they were dealing with once Skye had been born. Although I handed my notes to the paramedics who handed them over to the midwifes yet the midwife said to us I am sorry sweetheart we do not know who we are dealing with we need to get your notes up and cant seem to access them. When Skye was born they rushed out of the room with her in their arms I thought she had died when I had given birth. A few seconds later they came back in with Skye in their arms and never said weather she was alive or not. The midwife asked if I,d like to see her and she would place her on a heated cot as I was so frightened. The midwife left the room and I got up and wheeled my little girl up to us and took her in my arms. We broke our hearts she was so perfect,yet so tiny we thought she was going to be ok. Five hours later the midwife came in the room with a doctor it was the first time anyone had come back in the room since her birth. They listened to Skye's heartbeat and the doctor said to the midwife She's a lil Fighter to which the midwife replied Oh she is and looked at Skye and said do not worry sweetheart you,all soon be up in the sky with the angels(that is why we called her Skye).We got no explanation as to why,she was given no help whatsoever yet lived in mine and her daddy's arms for just over 8 hours. Skye passed away 11th December 2009.I did not want them to take her away from us I just wanted to run and hide with her.

In the morning another midwife came in the room and asked if we,d like Skye to be blessed I agreed. I held my precious little girl in my arms and I told her how much I loved her and how I wanted her to be a part of my life. Even though Skye has gone she will always b0e a big part of my life and she has helped me to become who I am today. The midwife asked me if we,d like Skye to be sent Birmingham for a post mortem. I agreed but on the terms they only took fluid and tissues. We were told that Skye would have to be taken from us within four hours of her death as they prefer to carry out a post mortem four hours after death to get clearer results. This would of meant Skye would of had to be in Birmingham by about 10:00am that morning as Skye passed away just gone 6:00 o clock that morning. Unfortunately I was told Skye could not yet go for her post mortem at that point as the doctor had gone off his shift and therefore the appropriate paperwork was not filled in properly she was taken from me at around 2:00pm. I was left in the room on my own along with my mum I told Justin to go home as I was only then awaiting for the doctor to discharge me. I was not discharged until 4:30pm and was still suffering with the E-coli,I had to go and fetch more anti-biotics from the hospital pharmacy. On leaving the hospital two staff said how disgusted they were by the way I was treated and said that I should not leave the way we were treated. I walked away from the hospital without my baby girl all I had with me was a box of memories.

As soon as I got home I had a message on my phone from my doctor saying he was sorry for the loss of my baby and could I please contact the surgery to discuss the matter. I did not want to discuss my baby with this doctor as he had let me suffer with the e-coli from being six weeks pregnant right through to going into labour with Skye. At that point I decided to change my doctors surgery as I felt both me and my baby girl had been neglected not just by my doctor but also by the hospital.

My new doctors were brilliant although it did take them a few weeks to get rid of my infection as it was that severe. They made me appointments week after week for check ups and the last time I went if it hadnt of cleared the doctor was then referring me to the hospital for scans etc. Thankfully it had gone and has not come back.

Skye came back from her post mortem on the 31st December 2009.

The funeral directors got into contact with me and we began to arrange Skye's funeral. This also became a nightmare. We had told the midwife and doctors that Skye's last name would be Moorcroft and on all Skye's wristbands etc was Skye Moorcroft.We registred Skye's birth and death as Skye Jordan Moorcroft.

When the funeral director went to collect Skye from the hospital and take her to the funeral home,they would not allow him to take Skye. They had got Skye on their records as Skye Reardon yet her wrist bands from the hospital stated Skye Moorcroft although the band around Skye's body said Skye Reardon. I felt very confused that we could not put our little girl to rest.

We eventually put Skye to rest 4th February 2010.She had a lovely send off from very close family and friends.It was heartbreaking my little boy Jordan,8 was confused as to why he never saw Skye but was adament that he wanted to go her funeral we let Jordan have alot of input to Skye's funeral as we did not want him to feel left out.Jordan too broke his little heart he helped his step-dad Justin Skye's dad to carry her tiny pink coffin into the crematorium.That day was so hard and I,will never forget what we went through.

In May I decided that I felt a little stronger to go and see a solicitor I feel the way my family and I were treated was disgusting.I accept now that Skye will always be a part of my life although she is not here.Yet had the hospital or doctors treated my e-coli then none of this would would of happened and so that I am finding very hard to accept and move forward with our lives.

There is so much more to Skye's story and all we want is some justice for our little girl and to know that this treatment will not happen to anyone else.

Since losing Skye I have set up a support group on facebook 'May Our Angels&Loved 1's Be At Rest' which has now reached nearly 500 members.I,ve done a balloon release and also made a video in memory of our angel babies and loved ones.I also make candles and cards which I have just started but have not quite got into it properly as I suffer from anxiety,depression and have done since the ge of 15.Now I,am suffering really bad panic attacks if I,am to go anywhere on my own.I just want to better myself,my relationship and my family.I,am hoping that if I can get them up and going by overcoming my problems that I,will be able to raise more awareness,money for the University Hospital Of North Staffordshire Neonatal Uni towards the cost of more incubatorst&another group I joined which is very close to my heart Sweet Dreams Our Angels who are a non-profit organisation and I also admin alongside a lovely lady Jayne Sweet Dreams Our Angels Of Staffordshire.

As long as I,am keeping Skye's memory alive,helping others in the same situation and raising awareness on this subject I'll be happy.But I just want people to be more aware of what its like to lose your baby,child or children and loved ones.We'll always have our children in our mind,hearts and souls but never be able to be a mummy or daddy to our little girl or others to their own angel babies and children. We'll also miss out on watching our children grow,crawl,walk and wont see them on their first day at school,to love cherish and care for our children.

There is three we will never ever forget Skye's birth date,death date and funeral date and also christmas the time we should cherish our families and be together.

Now I have groups which I created on facebook
May Our Angels&Loved 1's Be At Rest,
Justice For Skye &
Justice For Skye Jordan Moorcroft.

Also I admin other groups which are close to my heart
Sweet Dreams Our Angels Of Staffordshire
Trying To conceive
Butterfly Wings &
For Those Who's Heart Are With Those In Heaven
I find that this helps me and is helping me to help others&keep my angels memory alive too.
Thankyou all so much

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