• by: WhaleAdvocate Seymour
  • recipient: Please write to the fish suppliers, Warners, and ask them to stop buying fish from Iceland's whalers.

Don't buy fish from whalers

Mr Darren Warner, Sales Director
I was shocked to discover that your company buys seafood from HB Grandi, a company directly involved with Iceland’s whaling industry. HB Grandi has allowed Iceland’s fin whaling company, Hvalur, to use its facilities to cut and pack fin whale meat for export, and it is unacceptable to me that you support such activities. In addition, HB Grandi and Hvalur are linked by multiple shareholdings and board members. Kristjan Loftsson, the CEO of Hvalur is also a member of the board of HB Grandi, while Vogun, a subsidiary company owned by Hvalur hf, is HB Grandi's largest shareholder.

I will be contacting my local take-aways and restaurants, as well as my local school, council and hospital to make sure that they are aware of this issue, and that they know that your company is buying fish from whalers in Iceland.
Whaling is a cruel and unnecessary industry, and I would rather make my purchases from companies that are not linked to whaling, and I urge you to consider that the majority of the UK public feel the same as I do.

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