Ban Toxic Lead in Bullets

  • by: Animal Advocates
  • recipient: United States Environmental Protection Acency, Deputy Administrator Robert Perciasepe

The chemical components of lead ammunition, (bullets and fishing sinkers), are hazardous because of their chemical properties. The United States banned toxic lead from gasoline, plumbing and paint for this reason.

Lead poses a threat to wildlife, and studies have found that it sickens and kills more than 75 species of birds and nearly 50 mammals. Lead moves through the environment when bullet fragments or lost fishing sinkers are ingested by birds such ascondors, turkey vultures, loons and bald eagles. One 2006 study found that lead bullet fragments in ground squirrels werepoisoning hawks.

As more and more people are buying firearms and participating in recreational hunting and fishing, even in our National Parks, we demand that toxic lead be removed from ammunition such as bullets and fishing sinkers. A persons recreational hobby should not endanger the health of an ecosystem and pollute the environment as well as pose threats to human and wildlife health.

The chemical components of lead ammunition, (bullets and fishing sinkers), are hazardous because of their chemical properties. The United States banned toxic lead from gasoline, plumbing and paint for this reason.

Lead poses a threat to wildlife, and studies have found that it sickens and kills more than 75 species of birds and nearly 50 mammals. Lead moves through the environment when bullet fragments or lost fishing sinkers are ingested by birds such ascondors, turkey vultures, loons and bald eagles. One 2006 study found that lead bullet fragments in ground squirrels werepoisoning hawks.

As more and more people are buying firearms and participating in recreational hunting and fishing, even in our National Parks, we demand that toxic lead be removed from ammunition such as bullets and fishing sinkers. A persons recreational hobby should not endanger the health of an ecosystem and pollute the environment as well as pose threats to human and wildlife health.

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