• by: Unknown
  • recipient: The Government

Kids Company, the charity that supports some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, young people and families in Britain.

Kids Company has been in existence for over 19 years, growing from very small beginnings into one of Britain’s best loved charities. The organisation has been predominantly funded by donations from individuals, trusts and foundations and by government grants. This year, however, Kids Company found that previous levels of funding did not materialise and in order to continue delivering its successful and effective services, the charity planned to restructure to a level that could be supported by a lower annual turnover. It sought funds to restructure from government and a group of philanthropic donors, but as a result of serious as yet unsubstantiated allegations against the charity, it was unable to meet its ongoing liabilities.

Kids Company has touched and transformed so many young lives and it is a tragedy that this extraordinary work will come to an end leaving many thousands of vulnerable children, young people and families without hope. It is a very sad end to Camila’s pioneering vision that started over two decades ago and has inspired so many children and young people. We are in close touch with the local authorities and other charities to help our children and young people access their services. Right now our priority is trying to secure a future for these children”

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