RCAS New Shelter Manager Position will be posted this week and only posted for 1 week. Interviews start the week of Sept 12. We need someone top notch to put this nightmare behind us. Get the word out to anyone just getting out of Vet School or that has formal training in Animal Welfare, Business Record Keeping and tr......ue working knowledge and compassion for the animals within these 4 walls.

UPDATE: AUGUST 19th, 2010
Please follow this link to a facebook page called "Pulling from Robeson".  According to reports the past few days, over 60 dogs were killed and nearly all the cats.  The dogs, including many puppies, were said to have parvo - no testing was done individually, however, and a mass killing ensued.  Adopters were waiting, calling, begging to be allowed to get inside and adopt these babies - they were either put on hold, hung up on, or the phone was off the hook for long periods of time.  They were told by the shelter Manager April Lowry that NO puppy under a year old was allowed to be adopted! per their "vet's" instructions, due to parvo.  How many died unneccessarily?  How many puppies were NOT sick, yet are now dead??!/pages/Pulling-From-Robeson/115766611774177?v=wall

I received this information a few minutes ago:

On Facebook page "Pulling From Robeson" : ...
"I just called the State Inspectors Office and was told others have called as well. I was told to have everyone possible put a complaint in writing and there would be an investigation.
IS EVERYBODY ON BOARD????? Address is: NCDA and CS, Veterinarian Division, Animal Welfare Section, 1030 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699"


Here's their last State Inspection Report Dated 12th August, 2010.
FAILED !!!!!!

PETITION TARGET:  This petition will be circulated to media networks, the American Humane Society, local N.C. and national government agencies.  If you have suggestions, please contact me.
This is supposed to be wonderful news, however IT IS APPARENTLY NOT THE CASE!!!  Read comment # 4436 - a dog at the pound could have had a home on a 129 acre farm - no calls back - dog PTS!!!!!

June 19th, 2010

When I started this petition 5 days ago, I posted a picture of 5 teeny tiny kittens huddled in a tiny cage.  That was the day I found out that they were in 98 degree heat with no water.  Thus, my petition started off as such:
"By the time you read this, the babies in the photograph will probably be dead."  You can find that further down in the petition.

Today I came across this photograph of a tiny little ginger kitty who died at that shelter, and I feel that it has more impact, so I have decided to take the other picture down. 

Further down in this petition is a link to the article which this photograph was taken from. 

June 14th, 2010

By the time you read this, the babies in the photograph will probably be dead.  The picture was taken on a day when it was 98 degrees, and these poor little babies have no food and no water in their tiny, filthy cage.  The photographer said they were crying loudly, obviously hungry ... by now they are probably dehydrated, starving ... dying.

I have more photographs taken at the same time at this hell hole of a KILL SHELTER!!  All show these animals, cats and dogs, puppies, kittens, with no beds, no food, no water, begging and crying for help.  New beds that were donated to the shelter were pictured tossed in a back room where there was no air circulating, next to a stack of cages with cats in them ... a clear fire code violation.  When the beds were delivered on June 10, photographs were taken, including one of what appeared to be a dead kitten inside a cage. You can see this photograph all over the internet ... one dead another cowering in the back looking at the carcass.

Reports indicate that the dead cat was still inside the cage the next day at about 11 a.m., and was removed only after Bass was informed.  Bass's response:  he had been unaware of the dead kitten.

I have been reading a lot about the Robeson County Animal Shelter in North Carolina.  Allegations of abuse are not new, and apparently quite horrific.  Do a google search, and you will see for yourself. 

An article was written about the man who ran the shelter, Mr. Jeff Bass, who denied animal cruelty, and continued torturing these animals.  This man was seen taking the animals by the neck and swinging them around.  He was also seen committing other acts of cruelty.  I researched more, and as of June 10th, the gentleman decided to withdrawal himself from the job, and work with people in the medical field.  Besides the point, this man gets to walk with horrific animal cruelty.  Even though there are pending lawsuits against him, how does this change what is happening RIGHT NOW?

These poor animals, as per an article I read, "Had great fear, when they saw the man".  That is extremely disturbing, because these animals are scared enough as is. This shelter also used the heart stick method, (apparently now they only use IV to euthanize, but can we believe them?) and others in NC also use the gas chambers.   Please do some research on these methods, and you will see why so many people are absolutely enraged.  Heartstick is basically holding the poor animal down and jabbing a needle into the chest, numerous times until you find their little heart ... it is supposed to only be used on heavily sedated, extremely sick animals.  This is an inhumane way to put animals to sleep.  I don't care how sedated they are ... use an IV and let the animal at least pass with dignity, and equally important, without pain.

There are so many websites reporting on this shelter, complaints, and information on the people who run it.   Something has to be done.  Animals are like people, they have feelings too! 

We are supposed to be taking care of them.  We are failing miserably.  America the world is watching!!!

The "Robesonian" today ... COUNTY PLEDGES POUND CHANGES!

I found this article today 6/19/2010:
Robeson Co Animal Shelter Inspections
March 12, 2010

Another article found today 6/10/2010 written by Michele Gwynn, Animal Rights Examiner on 6/16/2010 (the photograph shows a tiny ginger kitten, obviously extremely sick, the caption reads  "Infections took the life of this kitten at RCAS Tuesday. No veterinary care was provided. ":

This a Facebook link for a group fighting against ROBESON AC (this link did work 2 days ago, but now I can't seem to open it ... please let me know if you have the same problem) ... I do have the pictures saved to my desktop:

Another page devoted to anti-Robeson is:
Copy & paste this link if it's not "clickable".

Here are some media links about the conditions there:

If anything can be done, PLEASE, PLEASE, consider these poor animals dying a terrible death through no fault of their own.  The media has the power to change the world ... it is an extremely powerful resource.  Contact anyone you can, local, national, international.  I trust that you will use it to the fullest extent so that we can save these little ones.

I personally have emailed everyone I can possibly think of including FOX NEWS, CNN, local TV stations in N.C. ...

The investigative journalist Gordan Stewart (you'll read his email below) signed my petition:   Signature # 1,004 Jun 16, 2010, Gordon Stewart, California 
"Robeson WILL be exposed, and people..INCLUDING some state, and county officials will be held accountable for the corruption that PERSISTS today. This will STOP!

Here is an updated article from yesterday 6.17.2010:

Please DON'T STOP PUTTING PRESSURE ON THESE PEOPLE!  If they could do it once, they WILL do it again!  Contact Mr Stewart and show him your support!

Email from Gordan Stewart (as mentioned above)
Gordon Stewart TV Documentary, Exploitation, corruption will be exposed..Proven at Robeson!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 5:07 PM
From: "Gordon Stewart" <>
View contact details


My name is Gordon Stewart, from Los Angeles. I am also a member of the National Media based in Los Angeles. My work is seen and heard on both Radio and Television. I have done work on Fox, ESPN2, HBO, and Versus to name a few, my current work has brought me to North Carolina. Robeson County Animal Shelter to be specific. We are producing an investigative documentary that will completely expose both inappropriate, immoral, as well as illegal behavior and activities that have occurred, and CONTINUE to occur as of this email to you at Robeson County Shelter. Your email was given to us as a possible liaison between the Shelter and our animal rights , and production team members.

The net of exposure has widened, and SEVERAL, I say several high profile as well as public figures, workers will be featured in this video. I respectfully ask for your IMMEDIATE assistance in assuring as of right now, June 15th, 2010, at 4:55pm PST you DEMAND the workers EMPLOYED by the county of Robeson in the state of North Carolina comply with human decency and animal control regulations/policies requiring ALL animals in YOUR control and facilities be supplied with drinkable water, food, and shelter...ABSENT of abuse, and/or neglect. Intended do NOT!

The workers currently have "allegedly" discarded NEW and donated comfort items such as beds and blankets for NO good reason. The same workers have allegedly REMOVED all nutrition, food, and water in an effort to dehydrate and cause harm to these same animals in an ill advised AND illegal stand or support for a former Alleged offender and abuser" Jeff Bass. Whether it is Jeff Bass, Albert Locklear, OR ANYONE else in the position of Shelter Manager, employee OR volunteer that is harming OR allowing animals to be harmed at that facility...they are an accessory, and will be dealt with accordingly. In the court of North Carolina...and in the COURT of Public Appeal.

NO offender will be spared our exposure in this documentary. And ALL will be recommended, and demanded to be PROSECUTED. And that includes ANY government official that allows this criminal activity to go unchecked. And unpunished!

You no doubt have seen the horrific abuse in the Conklin Dairy crimes in Ohio? This case against Robeson County will absolutely DWARF the Conklin case in magnitude, and public outcry. I GUARANTEE you.

Please help us, and the good, upstanding citizens of North Carolina, and animal lovers everywhere by investigating, and putting an IMMEDIATE stop to this criminal activity!

I will be awaiting your reply.


Gordon Stewart
Investigative Journalist
The ASPCA, The Robeson County North Carolina's Court House & Prosecutor's Office, Chief of Police, Senator Richard Burr, Senator Elizabeth Dole, 13 North Carolina Representatives, and Governor Bev Perdue, Governor Michael Easley.

We the undersigned, who have read about the abuse of animals in shelters in your state, are requesting that justice be served.

If the laws in the state of North Carolina are not sufficient to see that animal abuse is punished by a manner befitting the crime, whereby the convicted will serve a substantial jail term to pay for his inhumane actions, then we ask that use the power of your position in office to effect these changes.

This can no longer be a misdemeanor - it must be a felony!

The world is watching America, and they are abhorred by the amount of animal abuse that is allowed to continue unchecked.  It is time for us all to step up to the plate and become the true voice for the voiceless.  We MUST protect the defenseless.  It is our duty.

We thank you in advance for hearing our plea and for being willing to act.

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