We love music camp at Friedenswald!

Do you have some of the fondest memories from music camp at Friedenswald? Do you remember how unique it was? Do you want our kids' generation to have that option? Do you miss music camp being offered? Do you want to see Jimmy come back?

The camp staff work very hard, and that is evident. This is not meant to be a criticism of them. It is meant to communicate our desire to see music camp come back for our kids to enjoy like we did. Three cheers for music camp! The program staff at camp deserve our support, and this is meant to show our support for bringing music camp back. 

Let's keep this positive and supportive. Let's say to camp, thank you for working on this. We support your efforts, and hope it happens. We are not demanding anything, but rather just encouraging. 

We want to encourage camp to continue considering bringing music camp back, and to show our SUPPORT for them as they work on this. This letter is an effort to show appreciation, encouragement, and support. 

Thank you!

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