Legalize marijuana or cannabis for medical treatments

  • by: Jesse J. Almendarez
  • recipient: Make Marijuana or Cannabis legal, for doctors to prescribe to patients as part of thier medical treatment.
Legalizing marijuana or cannabis for doctors to prescribe patients with physical disabilities and mental illnesses is my goal. The use of marijuana or cannabis in medical treatment of patients who have physical disabilities or mental illnesses or even dual diagnosis. Doctors and patients will have marijuana or cannibus as an option in thier medical treatments. 

Jürg Gertsch, of ETH Zürich, and his collaborators from three other universities learned that the natural molecule can activate a protein called cannabinoid receptor type 2. When that biological button is pushed, it soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and blocks pain signals -- without causing euphoria or interfering with the central nervous system. These are all medical diseases and conditions that can be treated with a prescribed dose of marijuana or cannabis: AIDS/HIV & AIDS Wasting Alzhiemer's Disease, Apetite / Nausea, Arthritis, Asthma / Breathing Disorders, Chemotherapy, Crohn's / Gastrointestinal Disorders, Epilepsy / Siezures, Glaucoma, Hepatitas C, Migranes, Multiple Sclerosis / Muscle Spasms, Pain / Analgesia, Psychological Conditions, Tourette's Syndrome, Terminally Ill III. All drugs are and can cause any given patient to become addicted. That is why doctors always try to help patients with a drug free treatment. But in many circimstances the reason drugs are used is to counter unbalanced bodily functions. And no doctor prescribed drug is completely natural. They all stem from or are made from some source(s) of cures or medicine(s).  Marijuana or Cannabis is a natural herb that gives safe affects to patients who use them as prescribed. As any medicine over usage can and will cause an addiction. Please vote to make marijuana or cannabis a legal prescribtion drug for patients with physical disabilities, mental ilnesses or dual diagnosis.

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