Urge the Great Songwriter John Frusciante to publish all of his unpublished lyrics!

    I've been a huge fan of John Frusciante (best known as guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers for many years) as a solo musician, ever since his first album (actually, two-albums-on-one) "Niandra LaDes and Usually Just A T-Shirt" came out in the mid-1990's, and have often been amazed not only by his general musical gifts of genius but by his equal genius with writing lyrics. Unfortunately, there have been several releases of his which have not included any lyric-sheets: his first two albums, "Niandra LaDes and Usually Just A T-Shirt" (1994) and "Smile From The Streets You Hold" (1997); his self-released 2001 Internet album "From The Sounds Inside"; his self-released 2015 Internet compilation "Renoise Tracks 2009-2001"). Other notable tracks without published lyrics are "Outside Space" (b-side of his first single "Estrus"), "The Last Hymn" (from the "Going Inside" single"), "Dying Song" (from his songs for the movie "The Brown Bunny"), the songs he sings on from the EP "A Sphere In The Heart Of Silence" which he released in collaboration with Josh Klinghoffer, and all of the songs from his band Ataxia's two albums "Automatic Writing" and "AW II". (I don't have physical copies of the album "Enclosure" nor the EP "Foregrow", but I'm pretty sure neither of these releases had lyric-sheets either.) I've contacted him a few times, via personal addresses, record-company addresses, and Internet Contact Info over the years, requesting him to publish these lyrics (or at least share them with me!) but have never received a response! I think he's unintentionally (cuz I don't see him doing it on purpose) depriving the world of great song-lyrics--and great poems and literature in their own right--by not making his official lyrics known. There have been many interesting, conflicting, and even helpful fan interpretations, but ultimately these frustrate more than anything else because any fan of Frusciante's KNOWS the OFFICIAL LYRICS are great, whatever they are! Please Mr. Frusciante! Publish those lyrics! I understand some of those earlier tracks might've included spontaneous or ad-libbed lyrics that even you don't remember, but surely you know what 95% or more of these lyrics were/are?!?! Please give your fans this great gift!
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