Punish woman who had collar imbedded in dogs neck

  • by: SUE LEE
  • recipient: The Crown Counsel of Port Hardy, BC and Canadian Law Enforcement

Please sign and share this petition to seek extreme punishment for a woman who put a collar on an emaciated dog and leaving the dog tied up on the porch, only to have the collar become fully embedded into the neck. The dog had to undergo surgery to have it removed once she was discovered and rescued due to concerned neighbors.

Molly is the dog in question and just a youngster, only 19 months old. She thought she had an owner who was fully aware and concerned about her well-being. However, the caring owner placed a collar on the dog and tied her to a porch in Port Hardy, BC without food or water. When notified, the SPCA in Canada removed the dog, had the collar surgically removed and placed her in a foster home for care and recovery.

After an investigation regarding the owner of the dog who was supposed to be responsible for her care, charges are being submitted to Crown Counsel. Since Molly seemed to be starved, she not only suffered with an embedded collar but some gastro-related issues as well. How anyone can do something like this to such a sweet dog is baffling. When found, she was in critical condition, shivering and non-responsive. She was rushed to the veterinary hospital for immediate care. Now she is a happy, playful puppy that she was meant to be but never given the chance.

To this date, Molly is recovering but not well-enough to go to a forever home. It blows my mind how anyone can treat an animal like this. Why have the dog if you are not committed to its care, love and nurturing!! Please sign and share this petition to seek extreme punishment for a woman who put a collar on an emaciated dog and leaving the dog tied up on the porch, only to have the collar become fully embedded into the neck.



The Crown Counsel of Port Hardy, BC and Canada Law Enforcement – It is important that you have this so-called owner in custody and ensure that she receives the strictest penalty possible allowed by law for the cruelty and neglect of her animal. Such a person should never be allowed to own another animal as long as she lives. This was cruel and unjust; the animal did not deserve this treatment! Make her accountable for her actions and find justice for Molly!!

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