Demand Ms. Chris to resume position of JV Sports/Athletic Director at St. Louise School

Christine Avila, nick-named Ms. Chris, has served the St. Louise community for over 30 years. In those 30 years, Ms. Chris has filled many roles, from coach to athletic director and so many in between. She has been the face of St. Louise for so many years, it is a face that allow many returning alumni to feel comfortable leaving their own children in her very capable hands. Her presence is expected and felt at every school event, and it is a glaring incongruence if ever she is not in attendance.

That is why many parents and parish families find it very difficult to understand why Ms. Chris has continued to be targeted by the very ones who should be grateful for the vital roles she plays in making St. Louise the school that we willingly sacrifice so much to send our children.

Over the past couple of years, it is no secret that Ms. Chris has been under fire by some of her co-workers. Whether it was due to their own insecurities, knowing that she is gregarious and well-liked, Ms. Chris has been bullied and has had her role diminished more and more. Though many parents enjoy a close relationship with Ms. Chris, they are not privy to the extent of the injustices that she has endured. She does not divulge information - she maintains her professionalism and she continues to maintain a positive outlook throughout the unfair treatment. However, we are observant. We see the injustices and poor decisions that are carried out.

Therefore . . .

We, the signers of this petition, ask Fr. Robert to reconsider his decision to limit Ms. Chris's role at St. Louise de Marillac School by reinstating her position as Athletic Director and as the JV Coach. We believe the decision to remove her in these roles were biased and unfair. We respectfully also ask that Fr. Robert be more transparent in his decision making, and discontinue to make school-related decisions without stakeholder input including that of credentialed professionals.

Update #36 years ago
Hi everyone,

People keep asking me what they can do to help. I don’t have any updates on the petition but I encourage you all to send an email to our representative at the Archdiocese to let her know why you feel Ms. Chris should have more of a presence at school. It takes a village and it shouldn’t stop with a petition. Let’s make our voices heard by reaching out to our representative at the archdiocese. Thank you!
Update #26 years ago
Thank you to all our signers! We received 164 signatures in one week! If you haven't already, please continue to share the petition with others within the SL community.
Update #16 years ago
Thanks to everyone for signing the petition! We are a long way from meeting our goal of a 100 signatures. Please forward to all that you know that will be willing to sign. Please let them know they can stay anonymous. Time is of the essence. You can copy link and forward straight from your phone. Thanks again!
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