It Is Time To Free Bandit

  • by: Dianne Lynn Elko
  • recipient: Sacramento County Animal Shelter (Sacramento Board of Supervisors )

Bandit has served much more than her time,it is time for the Sacramento Animal Shelter and all else involved to set her free to go live out the rest of her life with his disabled elderly owner.What is anyone getting out of keeping a dog locked up for 2 years on death row,for a first time very very smal bite mark that had no blood and needed no treatment?The owner cannot even afford to pay for her stay at this shelter that the County of Sacramento insist she must stay,for 3YEARS!!

Bandit has served much more time than most repeat animal abusers do.

Bandit has done nothing wrong,is this another BSL case?

What will it solve by keeping her locked up or putting her down?

Bandit and her owner need our thoughts,prayers,and any donations anyone can afford.

In 2010, Bandit bit a mail carrier who had persistently knocked at York’s door. The bite mark was no bigger than a grain of rice and is barely visible in evidence photos, according to an April 2 press release. Nonetheless, Bandit, a mixed-breed female, was impounded and falsely accused of inflicting a severe and disfiguring injury. Despite the fact that Bandit had never been involved in a prior incident of aggression, a hearing was convened and a county official ordered her euthanized.Since then, York has made numerous court filings for extensions while she struggles to save Bandit’s life. Until recently, much of the legal work was done pro bono. York lives on a fixed income and is unable to afford attorney fees in addition to paying for Bandit’s board at a Sacramento Animal Care and Regulation kennel. York has found no support from the Sacramento Board of Supervisors or the county’s executive office.

Animal Care officials have refused to reconsider the case, so York's current legal struggle is to get the false claim of “severe bite” removed from the record and replaced with the more accurate description of “single small bite.”

An appeal to reassess the description of the wound is pending with a federal appellate court, and York is trying to raise money to pay for court expenses.

“The county has been totally unresponsive and unwilling to work with us,” she said. “Our only hope at this point is the appeal, but that could take a long time and is costly. We are hoping for divine intervention and to rally support from the community.”

On a rainy day six years ago, York found Bandit injured on a roadside after she had been hit by a car and left for dead. She nursed Bandit back to health, and the two were inseparable until the county impounded her. The separation has been difficult for York, who relies heavily on Bandit for companionship.

At some point during each visit, York has to say goodbye to Bandit, and each time it becomes a little more difficult.

“She and I are growing old apart, and it breaks my heart each time I walk away from our daily visits together,” York said.

It is time to set Bandit free to his owner.This is the only win-win-situation here for all involved,thank you for your time on this very important issuse.

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