BREAKING: Clarence Thomas just ruled to BLOCK Lindsey Graham from testifying in Georgia's election tampering case investigating Donald Trump.

His wife reportedly tried to overturn the election. This is a clear conflict of interest and a CLEAR VIOLATION of his oath.

Multiple Democrats said Ginni Thomas' conspiracy-laden post-election text barrage to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows — and potentially others in the West Wing — warrants serious alarm about Thomas' involvement in cases related to the 2020 ballot.

Several insisted Thomas should resign or recuse himself from anything to do with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and other litigation that may reach the high court in the coming months.

We want Democrats to send this powerful message to Thomas:

Resign or be impeached.

Because justices receive lifetime appointments, removing one is harder than just calling up someone and firing them. In order to remove one, you have to impeach them.

The process is the same as impeaching the president of the United States. The House of Representatives would vote on whether to impeach the justice in question. If the justice is impeached, there would be a Senate trial.

If we don't act now, it will send a message that we do NOT take election interference seriously.

Will you help us send a message by SIGNING below?

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