From Tradegy to Triump... Ryan's Story

  • by: Shaun Jai-Clark
  • recipient: Xquizite AllStarz Cheerleading & Tina White (Owner & Operator)

There are too many organizations that are taking money from parents and are harming our children.

Thank you for giving me a few moments of your time. In August of 2013 I registered my daughter with Xquizite AllStarz Cheerleading after speaking to the owner, Mrs. Tina White, and being assured that my daughter was in good hands.


About a month into practice I was told (via text) that Ryan was being transferred to a lower team. I expressed my concerns was told by Mrs. White, “it is my team”. I felt like all of the kids had worked so hard to perform in the upcoming show and to remove them a week before an event was very unprofessional.  There was no parent meeting to address the change or to address any concerns that the parents may have had. Can you imagine being a child and being pulled from one team to the next with no explanation? Can you imagine that child’s confidence level dropping? Immediately after the removal my daughter’s behavior began to change.


The next episode was at a Halloween party hosted by Mrs. White. I walked in and little girls were dancing and gyrating their bodies like grown women with NO supervision. As soon as I saw my daughter she ran to me with tears in her eyes barely able to tell me that another little girl kept kicking her. All of the children confirmed Ryan’s story. I asked the girl “why?” She replied, “Because my mommy told me to”. I immediately went to speak to her mother (Coach Jennifer) who was in a separate room and simply stated to her, that as a parent before you tell your child to kick another child you should have investigated the situation. That conversation turned into me being cursed out and called out of my name, in front of a group of about 20 children and at this time about 6-7 parents. I immediately went to go and find Coach Tina and shared with her what happened. She pretty much told my daughter that she has to toughen up and told me she would handle it. I never received an apology for my daughter being kicked numerous times from the little girl, nor from the parent for her actions.


After the Halloween party, things began to get worst. Every evening Ryan was coming out of practice with tears in her eyes because she was being bullied by Ms. Jennifer’s daughter and now by other teammates. Someone took her juice and drank it. I asked Ryan why she didn’t say something, hear response was, “because the other girl was bigger than me and I didn’t want to get beat up”. Then another little girl began saying mean things to her as well. Coach Tina was not at practice (as usual) so I spoke to the child’s parent first alone and then with both girls. The girls apologized to each other as we explained to them that they are team mates and not enemies. The parent assured me that her child’s behavior towards Ryan would change and it did, the two actually started becoming friends. It’s amazing what two rational parents can do.


On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 I received a text at 10:40pm stating that some of the athletes were not showing up for practice, some parents had not paid tuition since November, and that she, Mrs. White was becoming reluctant to move forward. I replied back asking is the entire team going to be dismissed or just the girls that were in noncompliance. I also suggested a parent meeting because after the dividing of the teams it was unsure of neither what was needed nor the direction that the team was going in. I also stated that I forgot to pay Ryan’s tuition because of the cupcake incident that had occurred that evening after practice. She asked me “what cupcake incident”. I explained to her that some of Ryan’s teammates received cupcakes and that she did not and I thought it was unfair. The very next texted that I received stated that my daughter’s name comes up every week, she is very manipulative, and has an overwhelming sense of entitlement. I was also told that I have confronted coaches and parents. I was then  told not to worry about paying December’s tuition and to move on because she, Mrs. White was done.  There was no parent meeting, no coach and athlete meeting, just a text at 12:09 am, stating that my child had been dismissed. I asked for a refund of all the tuition that had been paid, so that I can return it to all those that donated to Ryan making it possible for her to cheer. I received a text back with an old lady, hands on her hips saying “No refund”.

Immediately following that Mrs. White sends out a group message to all parents stating “Ryan has been removed from the program effective immediately. This should solve all concerns. I know it does mine!”

Ryan has been a competitive cheerleader for two years, played basketball for one year, and played soccer for another two years. I have only heard good things from all of her coaches. To every cause there is an effect. A child that is being bullied and made to feel less than her teammates will show her emotions one way or another. My daughter has suffered mostly in silence for the last two months. I commend her for having the strength and courage to keep going back to a place where she is not happy and where she is being treated unfairly.

Mrs. White and her staff have proved to be unprofessional on more than a few occasions. She has shown no regard to ensuring Ryan’s mental and emotional well-being. She is not qualified to run a program for the youth. It is impossible to run a program when you are barley in attendance. I have been told on more than one occasion that she, Mrs. White will began to be more active with the team. She has not held up to her word. This behavior on Mrs. White and her staff part must be stopped. I ask that you signed this petition to draw awareness to programs such as this that are draining parent’s pockets and are treating their children unfair.

Below you will find all of the information that I could find online….

Xquizite AllStarz Cheerleading

8709 D'Arcy Road

Forestville, Maryland 20747

301) 526-6228


And please by all means research me and learn why this weighs so heavy on my heart….


Signed A Concerned Parent That Is Completely Fed Up,


Shaun Jai-Clark

Update #310 years ago
I just wanted to take a moment to simply say THANK YOU. Thank you for hearing my cry and thank you for taking action. Please continue to keep Ryan lifted up in prayer as we continue to get her back on the right track. Despite the attacks that the staff has made against Ryan she really is a precious little girl and I thank God for her.... Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!
Update #210 years ago
Ryan has until December 23, 2013 to raise $1,625.00 to continue cheering with another organization. Please help!!! Go to Thank you all for your continual support!!!
Update #110 years ago
Today I received a message from Marlboro Competitive Cheer stating that Ryan can join their team... We need to raise $1,625.00 in only a few days... You have read her story, seen pictures posted, signed her petition, and now I need you to donate!!! Please help my baby cheer!!!!
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