Please Stop All Unnecessary Violence to "Pest" Animals!!!!!!

  • by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: "Pest" Control Companies and Governments of the World

I was looking at pigeon pictures online to draw one on my hand (pigeons are one of my favourite animals). I came across one from an Australian Pest Control website which said about (in amongst other things) shooting and bait (poisoned bait, presumably) to control pigeons.
Pigeons generally won't attack people and can be very trusting. They also seem to act with affection and, possibly, love for their mates and, maybe, families. They may present problems, such as carrying diseases and being overpopulated, but carrying diseases isn't their fault. They don't know that we humans consider them to be "pests" and "overpopulated", they just want to live out their lives in the best ways possible, mate, breed and raise families. They don't know that, by mating, breeding and raising their families, they are adding to "overpopulation", they just act on natural instincts and, maybe, bonds, affection and, maybe, love for their families. There are ways to deal with pigeons without killing them, such as by use of guns to scare them away, pigeon spikes, banning people from feeding them, keeping food and rubbish stored away properly and disposed of and/or recycled properly.
Unfortunately, pigeons aren't the only victims of the "pest" control industry. Mice, rats, squirrels, foxes, raccoons, skunks, seagulls, collared doves (another favourite of mine), starlings, house sparrows, moles, wild dogs, feral pigs, feral cats, feral goats, some species of fish, toads, feral horses, bats, Canada Geese, woodpeckers, mynas, deer, coyotes, wolves and bugs are also persecuted and often killed by "pest" controllers.
Unauthorised people would be condemned (by some) if they deliberately, unnecessarily killed wolves, wild dogs, feral cats, feral horses, feral goats, pigeons and seagulls and some other animals, so why should so-called "pest" controllers be allowed to kill them unnecessarily? I know some animals can carry diseases, but so do dogs and humans. Some of them cause great damage and risk, but they should be dealt with in humane, non-lethal ways when possible. Like with the pigeons, they just want to survive, mate, breed and live the best lives possible.
Trapping causes injuries, pain, agony, infection and starvation to some animals, not to mention the dependent young of parent animals, especially their mothers. If they don't die beforehand, the trapper may kill them by shooting, strangulation and/or beating.
Glue traps are famous for being very, very inhumane, causing slow deaths by suffocation and dehydration. Some animals chew off their own limbs to free themselves from glue traps and other traps.
Poison, too, is really inhumane. It can take a few days of agony to kill the rat/other animal, turning their insides into a soup, thinning the blood, causing bleeding from their mouth. The dependent young of parent animals, especially females, and other animals who eat the poisoned animals can also suffer and die.
Even more instant snap-traps should still NEVER, EVER be used unnecessarily, as they still cause deaths and, sometimes, suffering, to the trapped animals and to others, such as dependent young who lose their mothers.
Shooting may seem more "humane", too, but it is still unnecessary violence, causes deaths and suffering, especially to dependent young who lose their mothers, and if the shooter misses and injures an animal/animals.
This is all really, really cruel and wrong. It could also often be prevented and alternative methods, such as repellents, deterrents and humane, live traps and releasing could be used instead.
Please, please, please, PLEASE pledge never to deliberately kill any sentient animals unnecessarily. No matter how much you and/or others may hate them, they have rights. Please, please, PLEASE do your bit to help persuade ALL "pest" control companies, governments, other bodies and individuals to only use humane, non-lethal "pest" control methods when possible.
Thank you to the moon and back.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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