BE KIND TO BABY ANIMALS!  As a child we had a baby chick named Malcolm.  The three of us (little girls) played with the chicken and it grew up to be a rooster.  I rembember feeding Malcolm Uncle Sam's Cereal because it had seeds in it.  Malcolm slept on top of our BBQ Grill in the back yard.  I didn't know the seed was flax seed and Malcolm pooped all over the top of the grill.  Malcolm slept on the BBQ Grill and when he woke up from naps he crowed!  He lived to be an adult rooster and later he began to spur my mom (only) My parents ended up bringing Malcolm to a farm, we went with them and as an adult I asked if they killed Malcolm my dad said no he lived on the farm with  dogs. SO NOT ALL STORIES OF EASTER ANIMALS ARE BAD STORIES, SOME LIKE MINE ARE GOOD MEMORIES, THAT WAS ABOUT 55 YEARS AGO> 

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