Act Now To BAN CAPTIVITY In Europe!!

  • by: Hazel
  • recipient: EU Member States, EU Applicant Countries, Turkey, and Switzerland.
This petition has been going strong I will not give up until there is a complete ban of captivity in Europe. I thank each and everyone of you who have signed my petitions so far without you their would be No Voice..

Please sign our petition to help support our campaign against the keeping of dolphins in captivity in Europe. Thank

"Signatories to this petition do not believe that whales and dolphins in captivity are subjected to a suitable environment as required by the Directive 1999/22/EC (relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos), and therefore request an immediate ban on the construction of new dolphinaria and a prohibition of the trade in whales and dolphins in the EU Member States, EU Applicant Countries, Turkey, and Switzerland. The capture of dolphins, their trade, and keeping in captivity cannot be justified from an animal welfare or species protection point of view."
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