Stop any unqualified politician from becoming President of Florida State University

  • by: Hoyt Prindle
  • recipient: The Florida State University Board of Trustees

The Florida State University Board of Trustees is in the process of selecting the next university president. This is an important decision that will affect the university for years to come. If the Trustees were to select the wrong individual to be president, it would severely hamper the university and its academic reputation. 

Rumors circulating in the press, from sources such as Gary Fineout of the Associated Press, and Rick Ballou, a Jacksonville radio host, suggest that John Thrasher, a state senator in Florida, is a strong candidate to become the next university president. While Mr. Thrasher is a fine Seminole, his resume suggests that he is unqualified to be President of Florida State University. 

As a top fifty public university, FSU should hire an experienced, qualified candidate to become university president to continue building on the successes of Dr. Barron's four years at the realm. I highly encourage everyone to sign this petition to encourage the Trustees to reject hiring any unqualified politician for the presidency. If you have more specific thoughts on this search, I highly recommend individuals to politely voice their thoughts and concerns to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee and the Board of Trustees at the links below: 

FSU Presidential Search Advisory Committee

FSU Board of Trustees

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