Save the NIHF-STEM Middle School Program

    There is a lot happening in the district right now, including plans to move the NIHF-STEM Middle School out of its building. NIHF-STEM and its PTA need your help!

    The Board of Education held a meeting last Monday where they discussed options for various buildings (Board of Education Livestream - 03/13/23 relevant discussion begins around 1 hour 30 minutes). Several of the options proposed would include moving NIHF-STEM out of its building and putting a 6-8 grade version into a building with other programs. The option the Board seems to favor would combine NIHF-STEM with a new Kenmore K-8 and a Miller South 6-8 program. PTA is opposed to these options because they would destroy the STEM school program, and we need your help to inform the Board and the Interim Superintendent why NIHF-STEM should stay in its building and as a 5-8 program. There is a special Board of Education meeting to discuss these changes on March 20, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Board room at 10 N. Main St, Akron.

    NIHF-STEM receives some of the highest marks in the district on its Report Card. Recently, it received two 4-star ratings and one 5-star rating. The academics are excellent and show that a diverse population of learners from every section of the district can learn together effectively in a safe environment. Dr. Hall refers to NIHF-STEM as one of APS's Crown Jewels. The academic success of our learners speaks to that statement being a reality.

    NIHF-STEM has a prime location in downtown Akron, which is critical to the success of our learners. Numerous sites, i.e. The Akron Main Library, GOJO, University of Akron, STEM High School, Lock 3, North Side Marketplace, EJ Thomas Hall, and other Akron landmarks are within walking distance for field trips and project-based learning experiences at no cost. While COVID limited some of these experiences, they are returning, and the learners are benefiting from being downtown once again. Moving NIHF-STEM into a neighborhood school location would eliminate all these experiences for our learners.

    Putting NIHF-STEM into a neighborhood setting would not serve the neighborhood either. Learners come from all over Summit County, to enroll in the school. A central location is ideal because it allows students from all over to be bussed in. Seats in the school must be awarded based on a true lottery, with no preferential treatment for any neighborhood, to maintain its accreditation as a STEM school. People visit from all over the world to see our school due to the example and practices put in place as a STEM school.

    The reason there is a plan to move NIHF-STEM out of its building, is to put the STEM High School into the building. The STEM High School is losing its lease on the Central-Hower Building and must be relocated. Any building where NIHF-STEM, STEM High School or other schools are relocated will require millions of dollars of renovations for the various labs and spaces needed. Moreover, there is no parking onsite at the NIHF-STEM Middle School, which would prevent high school learners from driving, which many do.

    An ideal proposal the PTA supports is moving STEM High School into the Morley Building. The Morley Building is located right next to the NIHF-STEM Middle School and has its own parking deck, providing a place for high school learners to park on site. This proposal would create a 5-12 environment, much like the newly designed Community Learning Centers in Akron, aligning STEM schools with the Akron model, while allowing STEM to retain its critical 5th grade year experiences. Learners will share specialized laboratory spaces, esports programming, and other uniquely STEM facilities.

    Maintaining the 5-8 program of NIHF-STEM, in coordination with the 9-12 STEM High School program offers learners a unique educational opportunity. As fifth grade learners, students spend time getting used to the STEM methodology while preparing them for middle school transition. Learners participate in many projects that form the foundation for their continued STEM learning. This is the best and most cost-effective solution for all STEM learners, and for the district. It maintains STEM accreditation and allows an equitable opportunity for all learners in the district to attend one of the best performing schools.

    Please join us in speaking up for the future of our NIHF-STEM Middle School learners. PTA officers will be writing letters, as well as attending and hopefully speaking at the special meeting on Monday.

    If you can attend the meeting, please do. If you want to speak, fill out the form at:

    If you want to write to the Board of education, their emails are:
    Dr. Derrick Hall,
    Dr. NJ Akbar,
    Diana Autry,
    Bruce Alexander,
    Carla Jackson,
    Valerie McKitrick,
    Job Esau Perry,

    Thank you for your support!
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