Demand safe housing for transitioning foster youth

    Within 18 months of emancipation, 40-50% of foster youth become homeless. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die on the streets each year due to an assault, illness, or suicide.

    Under S. 1791- Every Child Deserves a Family Act, the policy advocates for youth who cannot remain with their biological parents and states that they are entitled to a safe and healthy foster care placement and family-like setting. This policy advocates for children under the age of 17, but oppresses those 17 and up (youth transitioning into adulthood and forced out of the foster care system) and leaves them vulnerable to homelessness.

    According to the NASW Ethical Standard 1 commitment to clients, social workers are to promote all clients' well-being. Please sign this petition and join me in the fight to promote our older foster youth's well-being by advocating for safe housing and adequate policymaking.
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