Stop the State of Tennessee from Doing Business with Rocky Top Outfitters

  • by: Toya Mae
  • recipient: Governor Bill Haslam, State of Tennessee

On Friday, September 28, 2012,  The owner of Rocky Top Outfitters sped through the Sevierville City Park behind the pool, and over the curbs into the grassy area, narrowly missing my child who was walking with us on a path made for such. When we asked him why he was going so fast through a park, over curbs, forcing people to remove children from his path, he said that the fish he was taking to the river at the park's edge were going to die. Therefore, he had to hurry - he didn't even see our daughter. We called the police only to be told there was nothing they could do to him. He and his employer had already told us that, though. They said we could do nothing to them because they know half the town. Our rivers are kept full of fish by people who care much more about the fish than about people. Please help us prove that there is something that can be done to them, even if they do know half the town. Next time, it could be your child, or sister, or brother playing in the park, and he might not miss.

Dear Governor Haslam, 
      On Friday, September 28, 2012, The owner of Rocky Top Outfitters sped through the Sevierville City Park behind the pool, and over the curbs into the grassy area, narrowly missing my child who was walking with us on a path made for such. When we asked him why he was going so fast through a park, over curbs, forcing people to remove children from his path, he said that the fish he was taking to the river at the park's edge were going to die. Therefore, he had to hurry - he didn't even see our daughter. We called the police only to be told there was nothing they could do to him. He and his employer had already told us that, though. They said we could do nothing to them because they know half the town. Our rivers are kept full of fish by people who care much more about the fish than about people. We would like to see someone else in charge of stocking the rivers with fish - someone who cares about the community they live in and the well-being of others. Please show us that you care.

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