For the First Time Since Mussolini, Italy Has a Fascist Prime Minister

Italy's most recent election marks a terrifying turn for the Mediterranean country. The newly-elected Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni poses a grave threat to LGBTQ+ Italians, Italians seeking reproductive care, and all immigrants living in the country. With ties to extremely xenophobic groups and a history of praising fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, Meloni is a danger to not just Italy, but also to all of Europe. The European Union must be ready to protect the country's most marginalized people!

Sign now to demand the European Union prepare to defend the human rights of Italians and immigrants in Italy!

Meloni's connections to the country's fascist political sect are well-known and well-documented. In fact, her political party - the Brothers of Italy - is rooted in the neo-fascist social movement that immediately followed WWII. The Brothers of Italy's symbol, the tricolor flame, is pulled directly from fascist groups' imagery. And terrifyingly, this fall, the Brothers of Italy won the most votes of any other party in the country's national election.

At a rally in Spain this past summer, where Meloni showed up to support far-right groups in the country, she made her politics clear: "Yes to the natural family. No to the LGBT lobby. Yes to sexual identity. No to gender ideology." What the new Italian Prime Minister is stating, plainly, is that she will oppose crucial protections for queer, trans, and gender non-conforming people and relationships throughout the country. This is terrifying, and neighboring nations must double down on their support for human rights, supported by science and basic human decency.

On top of her anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, Meloni is opposed to labor protections for workers and takes a hard-lined, hostile stance towards any and all immigrants entering the country.

Clearly, Meloni's election represents a regression for Italy - and a dangerous threat to so many living there. The European Union must be poised and ready to defend human rights inside Italy and out of it in the face of fascism. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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