Save Our Sophia!

  • by: Donna M
  • recipient: people, places, things and animals

I lost custody of my child (a 10 year old girl now) due to having bipolar. The court document said that I could "potentially neglect" my child due to bipolar. The truth is I spanked her ONE time and vowed never to do it again. And I used my bare hand and felt the immense power adults have over children, and that's why I vowed never to spank her again. My daughter is called a "liar" in foster care. She has been "whooped" THREE times with a belt that left marks on her butt for no good reason, except that her foster parent broke the rules: do not TOUCH maliciously a child in foster care. I am going to petition the court for her legal guardianship to be terminated and return her to my precious care. My "liar" daughter (sarcastic, of course) said the truth, "I'm going to tell the judge that I want to live with you because you treated me the best out of all the people who have taken care of me". And she was silenced because the court was told by her LIAR foster parent that I was "coaching" my daughter on what to say. This is a travesty. I want my daughter back and I want her back NOW. I am FED up with being told by DOCTORS that I am "gravely disabled" and cannot provide for food, shelter or clothing. You have NO IDEA the gifts I want to bestow upon this child. Or do you? You be the judge today. Vote for ME as the best mom for Sophia. I am "Mama Donna" and I CAN DO anything I put my mind to, and this is just the first step. All I want is ONE vote that matters. And you know who you are, so please read this with compassion and end pain and suffering with one step today in reunifying families and calling "shithole" organizations like "Child Protective Services" that destroys families (currently -- this petition is the first step I'm taking to rewrite the WIC (Welfare and Institutions Code) to reunite families with loving parents and children and prevent disasters from happening to the fabric of our society. Parents like those who tortured 13 children in Yahoo's news are the reason CPS should exist, not to separate parents from their children because they are American Spirit Cigarette smokers! I do not do drugs. I do not abuse children. I am a proud dog owner, and care for this dog like I wish I could care for my child. All I want is to give her back her dog and life...please help, and please be sincere. This vote is very important to me and my fate with all my children. Thank you for listening to me rant and rave. In a perfect world, I would go back and edit this until it is polished prose but I have to speak from the heart. I have to get this child of mine out of bondage.

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