Ban Horse Jumps Racing in Australia!

Three horses have died in New Zealand jumps racing over only three weeks. The first was Twentythirtyfour, a 6-year-old horse who suffered a leg fracture during a steeplechase. Another horse, Bunkered, fractured a stifle. Both animals were euthanized. The third horse, Good Risk, died during the race itself from cardiovascular trauma following a fall.

These three tragic deaths bring this season's jumps racing death toll to seven.

Jumps racing horses are forced to run and jump at unnatural speeds and heights. The slightest inaccuracy leaves them vulnerable to fatal injuries. No matter what precautions are taken to increase safety, the very nature of the sport is risky for these animals. Whatever entertainment value sports jumping presents, it is not worth risking the lives of more horses.

Please sign the petition to urge the Australia Horse Racing Authority to ban horse jumps racing!

I am deeply concerned with the high risks of horse jumps racing. I was shocked to learn that seven horses have died over the course of the 2016 season.

Three of these deaths occurred over only three weeks. The first was Twentythirtyfour, a 6-year-old horse who suffered a leg fracture during a steeplechase. Another horse, Bunkered, fractured a stifle. Both animals were euthanized. The third horse, Good Risk, died during the race itself from cardiovascular trauma following a fall.

Jumps racing horses are forced to run and jump at unnatural speeds and heights. The slightest inaccuracy leaves them vulnerable to fatal injuries. No matter what precautions are taken to increase safety, the very nature of the sport is risky for these animals. Whatever entertainment value sports jumping presents, it is not worth risking the lives of more horses.

I strongly urge you to ban horse jumps racing so that no more horses have to risk death for human entertainment. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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