Get Kurt and Blaine on Glee to Sing "Not Alone" by Darren Criss.

  • by: Lexi Nee
  • recipient: The Glee Writers

Klaine is the power couple of the century. Everyone knows Kurt and Blaine from Glee, and everyone knows Glee. Glee is a incredibly meaningful and socially aware television show, and showcasing the revolutionary couple that has been deemed Klaine is only given. That why we have decided to creat this petition to get Klaine to sing "Not Alone" by Darren Criss. This song is not only perfect for them, but for the audeience as well. Darren Criss' lyrics speak to so many people, and Klaine speaks to so many people. Combining the two will create a combination that can't be beat. I will be, and rightfully so, the performance of a life time.

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