Allow online alternatives for the GCC music department during the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • recipient: Glendale Community College Music Department, Glendale, AZ

Glendale Community College is attempting to hold in-person or hybrid (half online, half in person) classes for the fall 2020 semester onwards. Even with the required masks and social distancing, we do not feel safe with these measures. While some prefer in-person classes, online options should be made available for people uncomfortable with being on campus. Online, on your own time classes worked well for the end of the spring 2020 semester, and a lot of us would prefer to continue this option until the end of the pandemic. In the music department, catching the Corona Virus can be detrimental to the student musician's futures, as there is a risk of permanent lung and brain damage, which is an enormous risk to the physical requirements needed to be a musician. . Mandating masks and social distancing measures are simply not enough, requiring in-person classes needlessly puts teachers and students in harm's way.

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