Please Demand The Malaysian Government MCMC to Unblock in Malaysia

  • by: Nadilla Sakinah
  • recipient: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
Recently, the government has banned Fanfiction in Malaysia due to "lewd and explicit nature of its erotic stories" from the public domain.

However by the idea of "blocking" the site, the government want to make the Malaysian society pure so that we are not exposed to anything graphic. But the problem is, there is just writing and reading, which not as explicit compared to a pornography video or taboo websites that are considered illegal. This does not result in people who are members of the site where they write stories and share them with the world to show off our creativity and passion for the site.

So I begged and urge the public, not just in Malaysia but the world to sign this petition to tell The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to unblock the site so that the members in Malaysia can read and write to express their creativity and love instead of performing illegal activities such as human trafficking or become political prisoners.

Creative Writing of your favourite fandom does not mean you are condemning politics and religion in real life.
Update #36 years ago

After all of our efforts, we finally overthrow the corruption in this country. But this site is still blocked in Malaysia due to the lack of understanding from MCMC. So, I have send a message to the Mahathir group on Facebook, hopefully they can be aware of the situation. We need this as more Malaysians are getting inconsistent education in the English language?

So, I urge you to spread the message, whether on Twitter or anywhere else for the party and our government to take action.
Update #26 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I may have some bad news for you. I have shown the MCMC our petition site and reason to lift the ban but they still won't budge! They still believed that the Malaysian society is scared about the Fanfiction website which caused 'toxicity' to the children. I may need your help, to share this link and convince the MCMC or other forms in Malaysia the benefits of the site.

The fight is not over. We stand united for the stories we love!
Update #16 years ago

I appreciate all of your help to sign this petition. I have also sent this complaint to the MCMC website. I just got back a message for them and they said that the public of Malaysia has complaint that it has pornographic and incest content.

I find that uncalled for for the site allows writing and what they stated were something they tended to ignore when it comes to illegal sites that are still on!

So, please I need your help to email them:
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