Tell BC to Quit Killing Salmon

Ministers of the Environment and independent power producers (IPPs) in British Columbia have consistently claimed that river hydro operations haven't hurt any fish other than undernourished rainbow trout.

But they lied, say reports acquired by the Vancouver Sun.

Obtained through freedom of Information requests, the documents show that "river hydro operations are chronic fish killers." And, when it comes to Salmon deaths, they provide the "smoking gun."

The Sun says the documents include eyewitness accounts by government employees of fish deaths caused by river-hydro turbines and changes in water levels, thus debunking IPP's claims of generating green power and greatly diminishing BC's efforts to promote river-hydro to US markets.

Although these revelations won't end projects already in operation, the Sun adds, hopefully they will make it much harder to get new ones approved - and create a demand for audits of existing projects as well.

Tell BC to audit its IPPs and quit killing Salmon.

We, the undersigned, are not surprised at the news about safety distortions of BC's independent power producers' river hydro operations.

We are grateful for the revelations that finally prove the suspicions many have had for some time, that these operations are killing fish and are a particular threat to the already threatened salmon population.

We now ask BC to come clean on this issue and provide a full and fair audit of these operations and put an end to the fish killings, one way or another.

Thank you for your serious attention to these requests.
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