Stop the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline From Wrecking Pennsylvania

  • by: Lynn Hamilton
  • recipient: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Many Pennsylvania residents don't want their communities trampled by trucks and construction just to put in one more gas pipeline. So why is the so-called Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline being shoved down their throats?

Even the United States Environmental Protection Agency is questioning the necessity of a new pipeline that will bring ecological problems to Pennsylvania. The EPA believes it would be better to look at alternatives and perhaps expand already existing pipelines.

Please join me in asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to do further study on whether there is a better set of options than a new pipeline.

Dear Federal Energy Regulatory Commission:

It seems a terrible shame to trample any number of Pennsylvania communities in the name of perpetuating an unsustainable energy industry. Solar and wind power are the way of the future. At the very least, you should be exploring whether other piplelines could be expanded to meet the gas needs of the public. The Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline is expensive and controversial. Many communities don't want it in their backyard. You should listen to these voices. Please do further study on whether there is a better set of options than a new pipeline.

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