Say "NO" to full new selection process of "DV lottery 2012"

  • by: Me
  • recipient: Cancel new selection!
US Department of State KCC at 1th May published results of Diversity Visa Lottery 2012. More than 20 000 people had notice of winning.
At 13th May US Department of State KCC published IMPORTANT NOTICE on their website
They wrote: "The results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on this website have been voided.  They were not valid and were posted in error.
If you checked this website during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid." 

We think it isn't fair!
Winners already send their forms, photos and bar codes to KCC and bear losses.
Kentucky Consular Center want to take new selection.
We don't agree with it!
We think, they have to leave the winners who started immigration process as winners!

There are more than 20 000 people who were sure about that they were selected for the further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2012 and were ready for the following steps and have spent their money sending papers to U.S. Department of State Kentucky Consular Center and now they are told about results cancelation.

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