Street sign created in honor of Holy Moe and the work he's done for the community

    A Street sign created in honor of the talented and passionate Holy Moe for the work he's done for the community around him is well needed. In most cases people usually get honored after they pass on and I believe we should change that narrative and give out flowers while people can smell them. Holly Moe has created safe basketball tournaments in his communities for years bringing every neighborhood outside to enjoy matches and connect with old friends and meet new friends. Holy moes last tournament was held at Wagner college and he was able to pack up that gym with love and excitement. His goal which was to give the people a peaceful show and to give the players confidence to never give up on their dreams was a success. Right now I am only asking for 1000 signatures, mind you I am just a tax paying citizen in the community of staten island that saw how great holy is and created this petition. I am sure many others feel the same. Love is love guys
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