Justice For Deshon Johnson

    The new evidence shows that Romaine had multiple opportunities to observe safety requirements that would have avoided injuring Deshon. Romaine deliberately and callously ignored all of those opportunities. Even when he admits he thought he ran over something with the bus as he straightened out from the turn – which was likely the fatal impact with the rear wheel when the bus impacted Deshon’s head, Romaine callously and indifferently refused to stop the bus –when safe bus operation required him to stop. Instead, he continued down the road until the shouts from other passengers caused him to stop.

    Romaine operated the bus; Romaine should be prosecuted for vehicular homicide or manslaughter. I also believe that Deshon’s case needs to be thoroughly reinvestigation due to conflict of interest and bias. The prosecutor allowed this killer to walk away from Deshon’s death a free man. Coach USA still has Romaine driving the bus as of today.

    If they are covering up Desho's case. How many other people cases the Justice system is covering up? They did the same thing to Deshon's friend Christian Nobel Ross who also was killed by Coach USA dangerous bus driver. These thugs and wicked people had assisted my Deshon's character. Is it because he is an Afro-American young man. From what was told to me by Deshon's Attorney that was a lot of racism dealing with his case.
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