Charge Dennis Rodman with Treason

  • by: Anonymous
  • recipient: Federal Bureau of Investigation

On MARCH 12, 2013 AT 6:50 PM

The recent trip to North Korea by former Chicago Bulls player Dennis Rodman has raised some eyebrows, but for Meghan McCain, the excursion was akin to treason.

"He literally should have his citizenship taken away from him," she told News/Talk 92.3 KTAR's Mac & Gaydos on Tuesday. "Dennis Rodman, as far as I'm concerned, is a traitor, at this point."

McCain said the United States should consider taking legal action against the controversial Rodman and that if he enjoys North Korean leader Kim Jong Un so much, maybe he should consider taking a deeper look.

"If he loves North Korea so much, if he loves crazy dictators who are huge violators of human rights — keeping people in prison camps — he should freaking go to Korea and see how good it is."

Dennis Rodman should be Arrested and Charged with Treason and sent to Federal Prison for Life that for collaborating with the enemy of his country the United States of America

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