Wild budgies in Utah

Budgie are brightly colored nomadic birds found commonly in Australia. They live in dry deserts with very little water. They are not pests for agriculture. They would not compete with native wildlife because of their diet, grass seed. They would be able to thrive in the city of St. George Utah. The climate and habitat here is a lot like Austrailian. Please help support me to get a flock of wild budgreigars in the city of St. George.

Budgie are brightly colored nomadic birds found commonly in Australia. They live in dry deserts with very little water. They are not pests for agriculture. They would not compete with native wildlife because of their diet, grass seed. They would be able to thrive in the city of St. George Utah. The climate and habitat here is a lot like Austrailian. Please help support me to get a flock of wild budgreigars in the city of St. George.

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