The American Legion Post #225 on South Street in Wrentham, MA and AT&T have proposed to the town of Wrentham that a 100 foot "Monopole" cell phone tower with 12 antennae (four per sector) be erected in the American Legion field. This field is very close to homes on Riverside Drive, Weetamoo Way, Village Way, Gibbons Lane, Wampanoag Estates and South Street and is likely to be visible to many homes in these locations and others . The proposed location is classified as an R-30 (residential zoning) district and it would need to be re-zoned to allow the erection of the tower. It is our understanding that AT&T have indicated that Federal mandates give them the right to erect the tower at this location despite opposition. They have approval to use the land by the The American Legion Post #225 and are appealing to the zoning board to allow a variance on the current zoning use to erect their tower. If you do not want the tower to be erected in this residential area please sign this petition accordingly. Thank you.

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