NY Comic Con - Please Clear Rooms After Each Panel.

  • by: M. C.
  • recipient: New York Comic Con, NYCC fans, Comic Con fans.

Each year, fans spend hundreds to thousands of dollars for what should be a fun weekend at Comic Con - some of those fans coming in specifically for one or two panels. However, those same people will find that after standing in line for 4 or more hours, they won't be allowed into the rooms because other people have camped in front of the stages and sat through panel after panel... without the rooms being cleared out in between.

EVERYONE that attends should have the opportunity to enjoy a day at a convention, along with the opportunity to engage in a panel or discussion of their choosing. Lining up for main stage panels was a horrorshow at NY Comic Con, as it was one assorted mass of people in ONE line for multiple panels.

There is plenty of floor space in Javitz center. If there are four panels on one stage throughout the day, then PLEASE, set up four lines - one for each panel. Perhaps now that badges are equipped with RFID technology, people can tap in for a panel, and the center can close off the line once it reaches capacity; This is still a fair system, as it's still on a first come-first serve basis, and people that spent a lot of their money for these weekends won't be wasting unnecessary time. So, please SIGN AND SHARE this petition if you'd like to see rooms cleared in between panels, and see NYCC set up a better organization system!

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