An 18 Years Minimum Age to Marry in California.

  • by: Glenn Byrnes
  • recipient: the Governer and Legislature of California

Title: Petition for Establishing a Minimum Marriage Age of 18 in California

To: Governor of California and Members of the Legislature

We, the undersigned, respectfully submit this petition urging the esteemed Governor and Legislature of California to enact legislation establishing a minimum marriage age of 18 for all residents of the state. Marriage is a fundamental institution, and setting a minimum age requirement is essential to safeguarding the well-being and rights of individuals, particularly minors.

While California has made significant strides in protecting minors from various forms of exploitation, it remains one of the few states in the United States without a statutory minimum marriage age. This legislative gap leaves minors vulnerable to coerced and forced marriages, as well as other forms of abuse and exploitation.

Establishing a minimum marriage age of 18 will help protect the rights and autonomy of young individuals. Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires emotional maturity, financial stability, and the ability to make informed decisions. Adolescents below the age of 18 often lack these essential qualities and may not fully comprehend the implications of marriage, leading to potential harm and regrettable consequences.

Furthermore, setting a minimum marriage age aligns with international human rights standards and best practices. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes that marriage should only be entered into with the free and full consent of both parties, and many countries have enacted laws establishing a minimum marriage age to prevent child marriages and protect children's rights.

By passing legislation to establish a minimum marriage age of 18, California can demonstrate its commitment to promoting the well-being and rights of its residents, especially its young population. This measure will contribute to safeguarding minors from exploitation, coercion, and the harmful consequences associated with early marriage.

We, the signatories of this petition, call upon the Governor and Legislature of California to prioritize the enactment of legislation establishing a minimum marriage age of 18 and thereby protect the rights and dignity of all individuals within the state.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.

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