Stop Cat-Haters in Southwest Minnesota

  • by: Erin Bot
  • recipient: Counties of Southwestern Minnesota

As someone who has lost a very social domestic cat, Gertrude, back in 2007 to cruel neighbors in Marshall Minnesota, I can attest firsthand, that even if you aren't a cat person, you can still empathize with the loss of a family member/companion. Today, in 2016, I face a similar plight with my 1 1/2 old cat, Jasper, who is currently at the Pipestone Minnesota Vet Clinic to hopefully save her life. Toxic chemicals were sprayed inside our town home, and after complaining to management and the company who did the spraying, no one seems to want to take my concerns seriously or accept responsibility for their part in getting myself and my cat sick. Please realize this could happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone, and I'm merely putting this out there so that something can be done about it pro-actively. I've exhausted a number of possible resources and outlets, and really hope by starting this petition, those cats who people know as pets, children, companions, or what have you, can live long, healthy lives free from the cruel grips of cat-hating citizens, or anyone else with some sort of "agenda" that involves getting revenge on someone via causing harm to their cat. Thank you for taking the time to read this far, and please help me with my petition.

I wish to make it illegal in all counties of southwestern Minnesota, to inhumanely treat a domestic cat, most notably a cat that is someone's companion or family member.  This petition would require that intentionally injured cats or suspected intentionally injured cats brought to the attention of law enforcement or a local vet clinic, be seen as living organisms with rights, and appropriate legal action be taken to bring the offending parties to justice.  Additionally, vet clinics should be willing to be mandated reporters of suspected abuse, intentional injury, or mistreatment, and report to the local authorities for the potential and rightful animal cruelty charges as warranted. 

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