Put a stop to animal abuse, there is no excuse!

Many animals are killed from illegal dog fighting, kill shelters, and animal testing. I also found out that 70% animal abusers have a criminal background. I want to help animals by making it a law that owners must have a background check before adopting or owning any animal. This is a people problem that we ignore and it needs to be addressed. We need to make people more aware of what is happening to this animals how we can make a difference and give them a voice. I want to start an organization called Hands Helping Paws and bring animal abuse awareness from ages 5 to 100. It all starts with how you are brought up as a kids if we can spread the right way to act around animals at a young age it will help spread good behavior to stop animal abuse. Please sign this petition to create a law to have animal owners be background checked for criminal records.
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