Protect the Legacy of Q, Mike, Slim, and Daron, a.k.a. 112

  • by: A 112 Fan
  • recipient: 112 fans, Slim and Mike of 112

To 112 supporters, Slim and Mike of 112,

This petition goes out to all the 112 supporters regardless of favoritism. As a fellow supporter of 112, and a lover of R&B groups as well as R&B music, this petition was designed to support and protect the legacy of the four Grammy-award winning talented group members, Q, Mike, Slim, and Daron.

The primary objective of this petition is to obtain the decency and respect of particular group members by the two other group members themselves regardless of any group differences and disagreements. As supporters of the group, we understand the complexities of a cohesive group function. By saying that, we are continuing to support the group at this difficult period of time. However, there has been some things within this difficult period of time, that need to be addressed among certain group members that are affecting their supporters through social media as well as event outlets and promotions.

In regards to group promotions, there has been some deception in promoting 112 to fans when it comes to venue events. Fans on multiple occassions have voiced their concerns about how the two members are going about promoting themselves as 112 when in fact, they are now performing as a duo pair.  

In this area, the fans seek out full transparency about venue event promotion in advertisements. There must be a clear understanding of group definition. For example, since Q and Daron have been performing together, they are defining themselves as Q and Daron of 112.  Within the same manner, Slim and Mike should be able to do the same.  That way, there should not be any confusion among fans.

In regards to social media activities within the fanbase...

Unbeknownst to their supporters, group tensions have risen to the point where deceptive hurtful tactics are been used to defame the characters of individuals within the group itself. Defamation of individuals should not be tolerated because not only does it affect the personal reputation of individuals, but it affects their loved ones' lives as well. The two group members who have been unfairly targeted Q and Daron both have families with children. There are  boundaries that should not be crossed.

Also, these deceptive industry-style tactics are playing on the social media dangers of the internet, such as catfishing, cyber-bullying and cyber-intimidation. In addition to that, we as supporters do not appreciate the fan harassment that these group differences have produced.

We also do not appreciate being used as pawns and bargaining chips for industry-driven purposes. As supporters of music, we know how the entertainment industry works from the outside looking in. We know how groups have differences and sometimes group members go their separate ways. However, as a generation of music lovers, we are seeing a steady decline of R&B production with powerful soul and feeling.

We are seeing how seasoned artists and groups alike are not doing enough to protect the legacy of the traditional art form of R&B and Soul music. We also are seeing how great groups of our youth have fallen to the wayside because of petty differences and disagreements, groups that have been together for 20-30 plus years. We have seen the patterns of separation, not just group separation, but a separation of group loyalty as individuals make their own solo endeavors within music. We do not see no loyalty within partnership in groups.

It is understood that at a moment of time, groups have to create a path of individualized growth. But at the same time, we are seeing how individuals are choosing their own selfish need to sabotage other individuals within groups. Business should be fair. Individuals that have a partnership as well as a friendship should be able to have a common understanding of the value of trust and faithfulness within a relationship.

As supporters of this group as well as R&B, we all encourage particular group members to think about us and the music that they claim they love. We encourage them to stop all of the nasty pettiness that they have with each other that is preventing them from being the best individuals that they can be within the entertainment industry.

To the members of 112, Slim and Mike, that have strife…

You have a gift. You have a legacy as a group as well as individuals with unwavering talent. Appreciate the avenue that created a path for you. Honor your legacy and protect it because you are a part of a proud legacy of those who came before you and those who have came after you. You have to be that example within R&B as well as personally to others with the industry business.

In closing, all supporters just want to say we love you and support you within your musical efforts.


A 112 Fan 

P.S. We hope that the group members take this petition seriously as we are all within a united front. This petition was established as a way to air out certain fan grievances because we should not be divided through group disagreements. If there are disagreements among group members, we should not be made to be pawns of those disagreements. We should be treated with the utmost respect. 

112 fans, support this petition and share it with other fans.

Hopefully, it will strike up an honest dialogue about the protection of the legacy of R&B artists and groups alike because they are the writers and the producers of the soundtracks of our lives. To the group members themselves, this petition is the voice of supporters that care about the state of R&B music. This petition is the voice of fans that are consumers of music and not just numbers on music charts.

Since it is our consumership that drives the base of the entertainment industry, it is vitally important for artists to be aware of our concerns about promotions. As far as group disagreements are concerned, fans want the two group members that are participating in deceptive activities to immediately stop engaging in such activities due to the risk of losing fan support.

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