Demand the Sesame Workshop and AAPB Make Early Sesame Street Accessible to All Families

  • by: Dave Boisseau
  • recipient: The Sesame Workshop and the American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB)

The Sesame Workshop and the American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB) have announced that they will make 4,500 episodes of the groundbreaking and beloved children's television show "Sesame Street" viewable as part of the show's 50th anniversary celebration—but not to everyone. The only way to view them is by visiting either the LIbrary of Congress in Washington, D.C., or WGBH in Boston. The entire goal of "Sesame Street" is to reach children and families everywhere and the decision to limit these old episodes of the show to just two locations goes against that goal. Please help convince the Sesame Workshop and the AAPB to make all or at least most of the episodes available online with streaming services such as Amazon Video and Google Play so people who can't to the Washington or Boston can share these treasures with future generations.

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