Let Charities Give Blankets to the Homeless

Volunteers with Saxon/Hart tried to help those in need during frigid temperatures by handing out blankets at New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal and were shocked when authorities turned them away. The volunteers from Saxon/Hart, a charitable giving organization, simply wanted to give some warmth and comfort to New York City’s homeless amid frigid temperatures. But they weren’t allowed to carry out their plans, even though the organization had been told by police ahead of time that what they wanted to do wasn’t illegal,

Why? So they wouldn't get "too comfortable."

There is no reason why kind-hearted people should not be allowed to help the homeless and prevent them from freezing to death. All too often, homeless people are viewed as an eyesore rather than human beings in need.

We the undersigned ask that you allow Saxon/Hart and other charitable organizations to give blankets for homeless people at your bus terminal. As Saxon/Hart spokeswoman Michelle Tolson said, "We weren’t trying to make people more comfortable in the station, we just wanted people to not freeze." It is inhumane to chase away people who are simply trying to help the most vulnerable members of our society. If you are truly committed to helping the homeless as you claim, remember tha actions speak much more loudly than words.

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