Leighs Memorial bench

  • by: Katie N
  • recipient: To get a bench placed at the requested site.

On April 12th 2019 Leigh tragically lost his life on his beloved motorbike. Leigh left behind a mother, stepdad, siblings, partner and daughter not to mention an enormous number of friends. Leigh touched so many peoples lives yet left nothing for us to have to remember him by. We recently asked the parish council of the village where Leigh lost his life if we were able to place a memorial bench in his memory. A place for us to go to remember him, to sit quietly and place flowers. This was refused for the reason that Leigh has no connection to the parish. We feel that Leigh has a huge connection as that's where he lost his life. It's a dangerous road and we feel that road users should be reminded of the danger and made aware that they should slow down. We are asking for signatures in order for us to be able to try to get the decision changed and for us to be able to have a spot that we can remember Leigh and the fact that we need to make our roads safer for everyone.

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