Shut down this bar now!

There is this bar located at 15 - 13 west main street Boundbrook New Jersey! It is open all night and attracts a rowdy crowd to put it nicely! There have been incidents of loud activities at the bar late at night when people are trying to sleep! Far to often preventing local neighbors from getting the sleep they need! That alone means this bar poses health risks associated with sleep deprivation! And the crowds that gather at this bar late at night are not just loud and disruptive to the peace! They have gotten violent! A friend of mine who lives just across the street from this bar told me that around midnight February 3/4 - 2017; she over heard a fight break out out side the bar; with one man threatening to punch out another man! Needless to say such violence poses another risk to public safety and well being! And as long as this bar is there; it will continue to pose these problems for the community! Thus the only way to resolve this issue; is for the city of Boundbrook to order the immediate and total shut down of this bar! Now I do realize that many of you out there may think that is extreme! That society needs the jobs so as to get the economy back on it's feet! But we don't need bars; liquor stores! Or any other businesses that undermine the well being of our families and our communities! Instead what we need are jobs and businesses that uphold our traditional values of family and community! Traditional values that I will add; have guided our traditional religious philosophies on how to best live our home lives; for centuries! Yea millennia!! Traditional values of family and community; that have transcended religious divides! To not only appear in Christianity but in many religions across the globe! From the Egyptian monotheism known as hecyntism! In which the family life was praised as being what pleased God above all else! To the Babylonian monotheism Zoroastrianism! Which promoted family and community values once written down in a letter of advice; from a Babylonian father to his son; that is eerily similar to teachings found throughout Judaism and Christianity! Traditional family and community values that continue to guide our secular holiday traditions of family gatherings and activities; including family community service activities; to this vary day! Bars and liquor stores don't serve the better interests of our families or our communities! Thus they don't uphold nor serve our traditional family and community values! Such businesses only serve to undermine the well being of our families and communities! And thus undermine our traditional values of family and community! We the people of Boundbrook New Jersey need a deli or a home goods store! Or a indoor play ground on that spot; far more then we could ever need a bar or a liquor store; any where in our town borders! And as I mentioned before; with the loud rowdy crowds gathering at that bar at all hours of the night; committing acts of violence that threaten the safety of the people living around there; that bar has been for far too long far more trouble then any bar could ever be worth; to the economy! It is long past time for the city of Boundbrook to shut that bar down!

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